Workshops, Distribution & Activism
In RåFILM we distribute films both through the established channels (such as Folkets Bio, Filmcentrum and SVT) but we also strive to find a specific plan for each film to reach the right audience. Our aim s to find new and alternative forms of distribution so that out films reach out to as many people as possible.
Nordic Labour Film Festival
Arbetar Filmfestivalen (Nordic Labor Film Festival - NLFF) was started on 6-7 May 2017 by the film collective RåFILM, Malmö in collaboration with, among others, ABF (the Worker’s Educational Association), a number of unions and Folkets Bio’s cinema Panora. From 2019, the festival will take place in November at Folkets Bio’s cinema Panora and at ABF in Malmö. In 2020, the festival will go digital.
Nordic Labor Film Festival is not an ordinary film festival, but a platform for a new labour movement with a broad union base. The focus is on conversations and meetings for learning, finding new visions and future collaborations. With film, we raise issues important to a broad labour movement, in talks and workshops we broaden and deepen the perspectives. We are the Nordic region's only labour film festival so far and with Malmö as a hub, we also want to collect and distribute labour film in the Nordic countries and globally and inspire filmmakers to discover labour film.
Storytelling without borders
STORYTELLING WITHOUT BORDERS (StWB) was a creative and intersectoral partnership between six creative arts and humanitarian organisations in Sweden, Greece and Denmark. The Swedish organisation Historieberättarna is the founder of the Project and Filmcentrum is the coordinating partner. RåFILM was one of the partner organizations and organized workshops in Sweden and Denmark.
Lab: Nationalism
Lab: Nationalism is a lab with different meeting points. In a series of events and workshops nationalism, racism and fascism are examined from different angles, in Sweden as well as in different global contexts. With film, art, talks and discussions, we get perspective and inspiration, and create solidarity. Through workshops, resistance methods are examined and how creative elements can be included to, for example, strengthen, include humor or get perspectives on how our bodies are involved in a protest.
Noncitizen is a nomadic film and cultural project. The aim is to highlight the issues of oppression in our time, the right to have rights, borders and freedom of movement. Noncitizen started in early 2015 by a network of filmmakers and film workers, from RåFILM among others.
Bike cinema
Imagine a cinema were you are walking behind 4 spinning weels. Slowley strolling through a city that you know and love but on a totally different way. The light from the film, about your and other peoples lives and global struggles far from your everyday life, appears before your eyes.
This is the idea of the BikeCinema. RåFILM’s platform for screening films in the public space. With two bikes welded together, a screen, a pair of speakers and a projector, we hope to give you this opportunity.
Project: Oppressed voices
Jammu Kashmir TV/JKTV Live
To promote freedom of free speech and dialogue in all parts of the occupied areas under Pakistani and Indian occupation.